In fact, the Wildbow can only be bred- you'll nevermeet one in the wild. This isan efficient way to find the items you need, particularly in the case of raremonster types like Wild Boars. You simply invitea monster into your party, allow it to breed, and poach its offspring. Note that you'll be kicked out of the store, no matterhow many hides you've collected, if you don't have a character with Secret Huntactive when you walk into the Fur Shop.įarming is a common practice while trying to collect items. The hides will remain with you untilyou exchange them for items. Some of these items cannot be acquired any otherway.įur Shops do not appear in the Trade Cities until Chapter 3, though that shouldn'tstop you from poaching monsters in Chapter 1. There is a 'going rate' for eachkind of hide- an item that will commonly be on offer when you bring one in.However, there is also a 'rare' item that will be offered in exchange for particularly high-quality hides. There, a fur trader will judge the quality of your hides, and offerspecial items at discounted rates in exchange. When a monster is slain bya character with Secret Hunt, the character skins it and keeps its hide fortrading purposes in Fur Shops.įur Shops can only be found in the Trade cities, namely Dorter, Warjilis, andZarghidas. One of the most useful abilities to develop in Final Fantasy Tactics is theSecret Hunt skill, a support ability of the Thief.
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